Series II: Does Democracy have a future?
(The American Perversion)
Ever since the inception of America there has been a battle for the citizenry’s commitment to either democracy or economic imperialism. This battle has persisted for almost two hundred and fifty years. During this time the nation’s character has evolved into a hybrid blend of these opposing means of government. Those born into each succeeding generation’s evolution have simple accepted as reality that into which they are born. This has allowed the hybrid to expand and be accepted as actuality.
Capitalism is an economic system in which the production and distribution of wealth lies in the hands of private enterprise. A true capitalism allows business to fail when it makes bad decisions.
Socialism is a form of government in which the production and distribution of wealth lies in the hands of the public. True socialism makes decisions that favor the people’s common good.
Democracy is a means of government grounded in the innate equality of its citizenry, the pursuit of their common good, and sustained by their vote. In a true democracy, capitalism is a servant of the common good.
Economic imperialism is a means of government grounded in the individual pursuit of financial benefit which only morality is profit-taking. In true economic imperialism, democracy is a servant of this pursuit.
American history reveals that while democracy has had little impact on economic imperialism, economic imperialism has had a profound impact on democracy – turning it into a hybrid of their opposing goals. Essentially, democracy has been subsidizing the empowerment of economic imperialism while diminishing its own empowerment. In this evolution, democracy has had to fight desperately for every step of its realization while economic imperialism has grown through democracy’s encouragement. In brief, democracy has subsidized the growth of economic imperialism while economic imperialism has sought to destroy democracy.
Here are examples of how, throughout American history, economic imperialism has fought against democracy:
- By promoting the inferiority of Native Americans and taking their lands in support of economic profit.
- By promoting the inferiority of women and keeping them in positions of support without equal pay or opportunity.
- By promoting the inferiority of the black population and keeping them in positions of support without equal pay or opportunity.
- By promoting the inferiority of all non-white races and keeping them in positions of support without equal pay or opportunity.
- By converting the American Dream into a financial goal void of democratic perspective.
- By converting democracy from a common good pursuit into an individual freedom platform driven by economics.
Here are examples of how, throughout American history, democracy has subsidized the empowerment of economic imperialism:
- By allowing the wealthy to overcome bad investments and make their vendors pay for their losses through government bankruptcy programs.
- By allowing financial corporations to survive scams and failures from bad investments through government bailouts.
- By allowing wealthy entrepreneurs to make excessive profit through cost overruns and government subsidies.
- By allowing corporations to bribe public officials to vote for their financial interest.
- By allowing the wealthy to pay minimal taxes on gross profits.
- By allowing corporations to operate for profit with minimal regulation.
This subsidizing uses the citizenry’s tax money to pay for capitalism’s failures rather than allowing businesses to fail from their bad investments and criminal schemes. It permits business to be America’s shadow government.
Spurious Belief
If the nation actually believed in capitalism then a major portion of America’s businesses and financial institutions would have failed over the past seventy years.
That the federal government has been used as a subsidizing organism and a bailout agency for failing business indicates that the belief in true capitalism is fakery. And the constant accusation of Republicans that big government is the cause of America’s ills is a deliberate lie designed to hide the fact that much of the nation’s businesses would have not survived without government bailout and subsidization. Big government has been the supportive friend and savior of big business throughout America’s history. Here are a few apparent examples:
- The Panic of 1792
- The Great Depression
- The Savings and Loan Scandal
- The 2008 Financial Meltdown
Capitalism has been falsely made to be synonymous with democracy. That it is synonymous is a deliberate lie created by economic imperialists. Capitalism is an economic tool that can be used by any form of government. And it is only a friend of democracy when used to support its three primary tenets.
Actually, what has been going on in American democracy, from its inception, is socialized capitalism – capitalism guaranteed to succeed through big government bailout, subsidy, and legal empowerment. This is a perversion that is given legitimacy by equating the success of big business with the common good. True American democracy will never be realized until this perversion is corrected and capitalism is allowed to be an instrument rather than an end to itself and is permitted to fail when excessed.
Robert, I love how simply and clearly you explained three systems of government. Sharing to FB and friends.
Hear, Hear! Thank you for speaking truth to power! Our government has supported corporations saying they are “too big to fail” and letting people, those who are “small,” oppressed, poor, fail. Indeed, corporations have rights that individuals do not, and should have, if our government really affirmed human dignity and worth.