The Good and The Bad

The Good and The Bad

(Which is Winning?)

The local television stations of my city are constantly reporting good things that people are doing for each other as well as sponsoring programs for worthy causes.  Here is a stand-out example.  One reporter of a certain program invites listeners to contribute money to worthy community programs that empower the less fortunate to improve their living.  He makes his own substantial contribution every time he does so.  Over the past few years, he has raised over $11,000,000.00 which has blessed the larger community.

The citizenry of our nation and others around the world step up to confront the effects of geographic disasters and social crises in a response that reflects the primal characteristics of democracy – acknowledgment of human worth irrespective of class, gender, or skin color and investment in the common good.

Yes, there is a lot of self-centered evil all around us that seems to proliferate with time.  In considering this, I have come to this conclusion: If the good that humans do were not as socially powerful as the bad that humans do our experiment on this planet would have gone down the drain a long time ago. 

Our time in history is not the first time that the bad seems perilously close to winning the battle between the good and the bad.  The war continues to wage.  There is only one way that the bad can win and that is if the good caves in.  I am not speaking of the means with which the good can win.  That is another topic.  I am speaking of the fact that unless the good continues to persist in confronting the bad in the spirit of worth equality and the common good in mind, that the means will make no difference.

So, in the midst of the darkness on the global horizon, I salute good people for remaining faithful to what creates democratic community and that which can actually vanquish the bad.  Let us take heart and rise to the challenge as have those of our past.  We owe both them and those who come after us.  Whatever we do will be our heritage.



    • I just wanted to let you know how much Dad appreciated your continual feedback to his articles. He looked forward to what your responses would be. You were a wonderful friend to him! I am glad, and not surprised, that he gave you things that were very special to him. Thank you! Sherry Latham

  • “Are these the shadows of the things that will be, or are they shadows of things that may be, only?” excerpt from Stave Four “The Last of the Spirits” from A CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Charles Dickens …It is really up to us!

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