(On Being Oblivious to 2016)
With a degree of mystified head shaking, the political pundits continue to announce that it is difficult to get a handle on how President Donald Trump might behave because he has no definitive domestic or foreign policy.
I suggest that he does have firm and reliable domestic and foreign policies which he has consistently declared from the beginning of the 2016 presidential campaign. He stated them repeatedly. And they were very simple: Any action or attitude that affirmed his god-like perfection or added to his bank account would baseline all policies. The only mystifying factor is how these policies will find actual expression because they serve the momentary whim of his impulsiveness.
He also made something else clear prior to his election that will help in understanding his policies when actually expressed through this impulsiveness. He is a crook who consorts with crooks and he is a despot who adores despots.
And here is a third facet of his personality he clearly revealed prior to the 2016 election. Trump’s ultimate loyalty is to him-self. All other loyalties are temporary depending on the extent to which they support his private goals of ego elevation and money-making. America as a country and democracy as a governance are secondary loyalties.
No one should be surprised or mystified at anything he says or does – no matter how stupid or destructive it might be. The year 2016 spoke everything anyone would wish to know about the who of Donald Trump. He works the same way now as he has always worked. There are only two differences but they are decisive in terms of shaping the American and world future:
- He now has the tools of the world’s most powerful nation at his disposal and such poses a threat to the well-being of the global community.
- He has the majority support of the Republican Party that has sold its soul to political empowerment which, within itself, is an expression of corruption and devotion to despotism.
No one who paid attention to the 2016 election, and has a non-despotic conscience, would have either voted for Donald Trump or be currently surprised at anything he does that is destructive of democracy or America. He is the model of historic economic imperialism in its most egotistically demented form.
The Republican Party should change its name to the Soul-less Party. The GOP used to stand for something. Not anymore. Now its just gop ie glop in the Tweeted spelling of . . . him. Your “two differences” are chilling.
I do take some heart in the results of the “last election” as in that of a few days ago. People do seem to be “waking up” if slowly. The pundits have pointed out that some percentage of college educated white folks seem to have been offended enough now that they voted accordingly. I understand and take some heart in this. My question is to how it is possible that so many people have such little understanding of what it is that he is doing? I seemed to have such understanding long before I went to college. How is it that they cannot comprehend his dishonesty, lying and manipulative behavior on so many levels and not be offended by it? And yes he is psychotic and those involved in psychology have let us all down.