Category: <span>Uncategorized</span>

Trump’s Triumph

Trump’s Triumph

(Democratic Demise) Democracy is the only form of government that champions the right of the citizenry to espouse and live in a manner that is destructive to its intentions.  These intentions are affirming the equal worth of every citizen; pursuing the common good; and insisting on citizenry rule. Anything that […]

Thinking Inside the Box

Thinking Inside the Box

(Always Boxed In) There is no such thing as thinking outside the box.  This phrase is only a useful euphemism for thinking creatively. But however creative my thinking might be it is still inside my box.  I cannot think outside this box because my box is my view of reality.  […]

Thanks Dad!

Thanks Dad!

(Lasting Gifts) Even though I got messages from my parents that created some of my demons, they don’t need to be the focus of my living.  My parents also taught me some angel lessons that look over my living.  My father is an example.  He was a hunter and fisher.  […]

Why Love is Not the Answer

Why Love is Not the Answer

WHY LOVE IS NOT THE ANSWER (What Creates Social Transformation?) We seem to be fond of the notion that love will cure all our ills.  I do not believe this is the case.  Here is why. I hear people saying how much they love their partners, certain music, ball games, […]

Birds and Humans

Birds and Humans

BIRDS AND HUMANS (Flour Paste and Crazy Glue)  Birds of a feather flock together. Folk Wisdom   Birds and Humans The sixteenth century folk wisdom that birds of a feather flock together speaks to those affinities that cause both birds and humans to bond in community.  While the natures are […]

Why Believers in Democracy Fail

Why Believers in Democracy Fail

By believers in democracy I mean people committed to the notions that all humans are of equal worth, that the purpose of democracy is to sustain the common good, and that the citizenry is responsible by its vote. Although such believers are a minority, we are powerful enough to give direction to our culture. However, despite our best intentions, we tend to fail in accomplishing our goals. Here are a few of my musings about this failure.

The Deal of the Art: Walking on the Edge of Destruction

The Deal of the Art: Walking on the Edge of Destruction

Do you wonder why Donald Trump can’t tell the truth and behaves so bizarrely? Do you puzzle over his supporters devoted tunnel vision? Do you worry about where his leadership is taking America and the world? Then consider this paradigm.

Can One Person Change the World?

Can One Person Change the World?

The answer is no! So don’t be taken in by the all that individualism propaganda that avows this notion. Here are two reasons why it is false.

It seldom happens. OK. Seldom is an admission that it can happen. But the issue is not whether it can be done but how often it is done. Everyone can win the lottery but only one in multiple millions does win. Count the number of people you can recall who have changed the world. Now count the billions of people who have lived in the world. Pretty high odds, right! Anyway, none of the people you thought of actually changed the world. They only initiated an idea or action that had the potential for change. So, strike out seldom and substitute never.