Robert Latham was raised in a poor Texas family with fundamentalist religious beliefs and conservative political outlooks. Through a series of fortunate educational exposures his belief system was transformed. And while serving a tour of duty in the Vietnam War his view of American culture and politics were transformed.
Motivated by these transformations his vocation has been devoted to serving and consulting with religious institutions that affirm the inherent worth of every individual, believe in the evolution of truth, sustain democratic values, and are committed to helping align American culture with these perspectives.
He is the author of A Tale of Boxes which shows how each of us creates our own reality, how cultures create their reality, primal issues that face democracy, and the need for a new vision to make American democracy available to all citizens. In addition, he is author of a pamphlet entitled Lessons From Vietnam: Why Nothing Has Changed.
Robert is head of Mything Link consulting organization. He has a degree from Baylor University and two earned Master degrees.